Process for Requesting Genealogy Information. All requests for historical research should be submitted to the Grand Lodge Office at 100 Seventh Avenue North Suite 4, Nashville TN 37203.
A research fee of $30.00 should be submitted with each request. No requests received by email will receive a reply. This money is forwarded to our Library and Museum Fund.
The following information is required for each request: Full Name, Date of Birth, Date of Death, Where He Lived (including county) and Lodge Name and Number if known.
The only information that we may have is the date he received his degrees and if he held a local office in the Lodge. The only biographical information we have is if they were a Past Grand Master.
Please Note: There is no genealogy type information in our files, only the information listed above.
Due to our Grand Communication, please expect 6 to 8 weeks for a reply.
Thank You
Grand Historian
Email Address:
Mailing Address
| Grand Lodge of Tennessee 100 7th Ave N. Suite 4 Nashville, TN 37203 |